Laura Venditti began her career as a professional photographer in1984, the same year in which Foto Studio Immagine was founded, a prestigious Photographic studio with its premises in Grottammare, which specializes in Wedding and Portrait photography. Laura quickly became the heart and soul of the studio’s artistic activity, adding that particular touch of feminine sensitivity that would make all the albums carried out during her long and successful career, unique, special, interesting and of great emotional impact. We are talking about real emotions, when she photographs the subject, trying to capture and transmit the feelings perceived in that delicate moment of portraying a person. In fact it was she herself who coined the motto that accompanies Foto Studio Immagine’s trademark – “All your emotions in our photos” – which distinguishes the splendid works that are born from the photographic studio’s constant and meticulous commitment. Laura lets herself be captured by the emotion and moved by the feelings, as she takes her photo, in such a way that she is able to see through the eyes of her models, in order to understand their character and discover their sentiments. Her character is vivacious and volcanic, but at the same time charming and kind, so she has no difficulty in putting the person she is photographing at ease and winning their collaboration. Her career is full of professional and commercial successes; she has taken part in numerous refresher training courses and workshops both in Italy and abroad: she organized photographic events and courses aimed at attaining the European qualification Q.I.P. for Portrait photography in 2008.